익명 판

최근 방문 게시판

Ever Since I got into college I've experienced Pros and Cons.

6938f4a5 2021.09.29 31

The good sides, I would say I acquired much knowledge about How the money and stock market work.

Second is I got some skills of Presentation and making a report (Definitely) Knowing overall how the society functions

Third, Knowing the Capital market is literally govern my everyday life Either it's a stock or Coin market Even Real estate

Just to follow those Trends waste much of my energy of course knowing and understanding these is the fundamental and what the major track intended but still it makes me worn out.


Cons I would say I feel like I lost true color of mine I somehow became a person what the society and company wants Not What I want to be.

I know it might sound immature but it's true I miss olden time where I was naive and get along with anybody without judging the university education made me forming a standard and it strictly rules my mind

1개의 댓글


Indeed. but i doubt that your cons might be evidences of getting old. instead learning those you say

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